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jeudi 9 janvier 2014


Publié par Unknown à 08:51

The causative FAIRE construction is used to express the idea of having something done, making someone do something, or causing something to be done


            J'ai fait venir le père à la réunion.
            Il fait construire une maison.
            Nous faisons manger le chat.

B) When there are two objects of the infinitive, the indirect object always refers to the person or thing that is completing the action (subject of the infinitive) and the direct object refers to the object that receives the action of the infinitive.
 SUBJ + FAIRE (conjugated) + INFINITVE + DO +  à + IO

                        Il fera boire un peu de vin à son enfant.
                        He will make his child drink a little wine.

                        Son dernier bouquin a fait gagner beaucoup d'argent  à Jean-Jaques.
                        His last book earned Jean-Jaques a lot of money.

                        Elle a fait visiter la ferme à ses parents.
                        She had her parents visit the farm.

                        Tu vas faire perdre son poste à ton copain.
                        You are going to make your friend lose his job.

C)    When the direct & indirect objects are in the form of object pronouns, they precede the verb FAIRE and NOT the infinitive.

                        Il la fait construire.
                        He is having it built.

                        Il lui en fera boire un peu.
                        He will make him/her drink a little of it.

                        Elle la leur a fait visiter.
                        She had them visit it.

                        Tu vas le lui faire prendre.
                        You are going to make him lose it.

            B. SE FAIRE + INFINITIVE – means to have I get something done to oneself.     Thus, the subject is not performing the action, but is having the action done by      someone or something else.
Je me fais couper les cheveux.                     I'm getting a haircut.
            Elle se fait bronzer à la plage.                      She is getting a tan at the beach.

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