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jeudi 9 janvier 2014


Publié par Unknown à 09:05

lundi    (Monday)                                        vendredi     (Friday)
mardi    (Tuesday)                                        samedi     (Saturday)           
mercredi      (Wednesday)                               dimanche     (Sunday)  
    jeudi     (Thursday                                          

  1. The French consider the days of the week to begin on Monday and end of Sunday.
  2.  The names of the week are all masculine and never capitalized except if at the beginning of the sentence.
  3.  They are never accompanied by a preposition
    1. vendredi- Friday/ on Friday
    2. Vendredi je suis sorti en boite.                      On Friday, I went out to a nightclub
  4. The definite article le is only used with the days of the week when it indicates a repeated          occurrence
    1. le dimanche – every Sunday/ on Sundays
    2. Le dimanche nous allons a l’eglise.               On Sundays, we go to church

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