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jeudi 9 janvier 2014


Publié par Unknown à 09:24

Like the passé composé, the past infinitive is composed of an auxiliary verb (AVOIR or ETRE) and a past participle. The auxiliary is not conjugated, but stays in the infinitive. The equivalent English expression is after having –past participle or quite frequently just after –ing.

Après + auxiliary verb + past participle

A.                The past infinitive can ONLY be used when the subject in each clause is the same. However, when the subjects are different, <Après que + subj. + conjugated verb must be used.

Après être arrivé à l’aéroport, il a téléphoné à sa mere pour venir le chercher.After having arrived at the airport, he called his mother to come pick him up.
Après qu’il est arrivé à l’aéroport, sa mère est venue le chercher.
After he arrived at the airport, his mother came to pick him up.

B.                 When the past infinitive appears more than once in the same sentence, for the sake of redundancy, all elements that would be repeated are deleted.

Après avoir bien ciré ses chaussures et (après avoir) ajust sa cravate, il est sorti.
After having shined his shoes and adjusted his tie, he left.

When the auxiliary ETRE, the past participle agrees in gender and in number with its subject.

Après avoir pris une douche et s’être habillée, elle a mange le petit déjeùner.
After having taken a shower and gotten dressed, she ate breakfast.

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