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jeudi 9 janvier 2014


Publié par Unknown à 09:36

Each conjugated form of a verb is accomplished by its appropriate subject pronoun.

A.        Je (I)-When followed by a word that begins with a vowel or a mute h, je becomes j’

B.        Tu (You) -SINGULAR form used when expressing familiarity or informality. Thus it is used to address family members, small children, close friends, co-workers, classmates, and pets.

C.        Il/Elle/On -SINGULAR forms used:
1. Il equivalent to the English He or It (masculine object)
2. Elle equivalent to the English She or It (feminine object)

3. On equivalent to the English forms one, you, we, they, people in   general (although ON frequently stands for a plural concept [people, we, they] it always takes a 3rd person singular verb form)

D.        Nous (WE)-PLURAL form

E.        Vous (YOU)

1. SINGULAR when it is used to address an individual on a formal basis such as a stranger, an acquaintance, a superior, etc….

2. PLURAL when addressing more then one person whether on a formal or informal basis

F.         Ils/Elles (THEY)-PLURAL forms used:
1. Ils-equivalent to the english they referring to a group of feminine  
              people or objects

NOTE: The rules governing the choice of Tu vs. Vous when            
Addressing an individual is a part of an unwritten cultural code. 
  If you are un sure, use the vous form until your friend says. “On peut  
  se tutoyer!”

G.        Vous vs. Tu- there are formal and informal levels of language that vary according to the person(s) being addressed and how well you know the person and his/her social position. Part of this distinction is found in the tu/vous distinction just introduced as well as other variation in vocabulary and form.
    Style Formel (Vous)                                      Formal Style (Vous)                                                   Bonjour!                           Hello/Good Morning/Good afternoon
    Comment allez-vous?                                     How are you?
         Bien merci.                                               Fine, thank you.
           Et vous?                                                        And you?
         Au revoir.                                                        Good bye.

NOTE: In the style formel, a person is never addressed by first name but by an appropriate title
Bonjour Madame.      Bonjour Monsieur.     Bonjour Mademoiselle.

NOTE: The term Mademoiselle is used for very young women, a woman appearing to be over twenty-one is addressed as Madame.

                   Style Familier (Tu)                  Familiar style (Tu)
                           Salut!                                        Hi!
                         Bonjour!                         Hello/good morning/good afternoon
                         Ca va?                                How’s it going?
                         Ca va bien.                              Okay.
                          Pas mal.                                 Not bad.
                      Comme ci comme ca.                So-so.
                             Et toi?                                 And you?
                           Ciao.                                     Bye.
                          A bientôt.                              See you soon.
                    A tout a l’heure                           See you later.
If someone asks you your name the following would be an appropriate response:

       Je m’appelle Paul.          Mon nom est Annick.        Georges.

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