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jeudi 9 janvier 2014


Publié par Unknown à 08:45

The present and the passé composé of DEVOIR have several meanings, depending on the context of the sentence. The following illustrate the four basic meanings of DEVOIR:
1. [present tense / DEVOIR + Direct object]                       to owe (money & objects)
2. [present tense / DEVOIR + infinitive]                 have to, must
3. (passé composé]                                                    had to, must have
4. [imparfait]                                                            was supposed to
5 [conditional]                                                                      should

je                     dois (P)
ai du (PC)
devais (I)
devrais (C)
Nous               devons (P)
avons du (PC)
devions (I)
devrions (C)
Tu                    dois (P)
as du (PC)
devais (I)
devrais (C)
Vous               devez (P)
avez du (PC)
deviez (I)
devriez (C)
il / elle / on
doit (P)
a du (PC)
devait (I)
devrait (C)
ils/ elles
doivent (P)
ont du (PC)
devaient (I)
devraient (C)

Past Participle: du                     Auxiliary in P.C. - Avoir

Tu dois vingt francs à ta soeur.                     You owe twenty francs to your sister
Nous devons rentrer ce soir.                         We have to go home tonight.
lls ont dû aller en ville.                                  They had to go into town.
Il doit être malade ou il a dû oublier.                        He must be sick or he must have forgotten.
Il devait venir hier soir.                                 He was supposed to come last night.
Vous devriez faire vos devoirs.                     You should do your homework.

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